Right note: Stevie the rescue cat loves to play the piano at his home in Wood Green Animal Shelter in Cambridgeshire
Round of a-paws: Animal carers believe the six-year-old moggie - who was found in a garden - craves pushing his paws on the keys because the sound helps connect him to the outside world
It may appear very su-purr-stitious but a blind cat named called Stevie Wonder really has developed a passion for playing the piano.
The musical moggie is astounding carers at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire.
Carers believe the six-year-old - who was found in a garden - presses on the keys because the sound helps connect him to the outside world.
When Stevie, named after the famous blind American singer and pianist, was found he was flea-ridden, suffering from worms, had a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes were missing.
Vets are unsure whether his eyes were surgically removed or he was born without them.
But after he was taken home to be cared for by one of the staff they noticed how much he seemed to enjoy listening to the piano being played.
Beverley Street, deputy manager of cat welfare at the shelter, believes the blind feline feels comforted by being able to hear the sound made by its movements.
Now the piano-playing puss now spends as much time as possible skipping across the keyboard at its temporary owner’s home.
這隻有著音樂細胞的盲眼貓,上個月幸運被英國劍橋郡的動物收容所(Wood Green Animal Shelter)自貝德福德(Bedford)的一處花園裡救援回來,經過獸醫的診斷,不確定牠的雙眼失明,是因為後天造成,還是天生就存在的問題。
不過,牠似乎還挺適應現在的新生活。該動物收容所的管理者Beverley Street表示,這隻貓居住在這裡似乎感到相當舒適。在互動的過程裡,工作人員發現牠對鋼琴的聲音相當感興趣,因此以美國盲人歌手史蒂夫‧旺德(Stevie Wonder)的名稱將其取名。